About us

We started as parents going through the frustrations of signing up for childcare. After months of mailing in paper checks, scanning applications, and then following up with centers to ensure we were still on the list, we knew there had to be a better way.

Eventually we did enroll our son into a center we absolutely love. After getting to know the teachers and administrators better, we learned that any frustrations we experienced during the application process paled in comparison to the headaches of the administrative work behind the scenes.

Our Director’s job covered everything under the sun, including managing teachers, figuring out ever-changing classroom ratios, comforting sick kids, giving tours to prospective families, and answering their nonstop phone calls (sorry that was us!). Managing wait lists and responding to emails are important, but, when you’re juggling 15 things at once, things are bound to get dropped.

We wanted to help. 

Over a year-long period, we designed and constructed a solution with the simple goal of making childcare workers' lives easier.  

Our fundamental beliefs are that:

  1. Parents should be able to submit and update their child’s information without phone calls and back-and-forth emails to the center.
  2. Wait Lists should be straightforward and easy for administrators. All the fancy algorithms that rank (and re-rank) the lists based on sign-up date and other custom priorities should run in the background.
  3. 90% of prospective parent emails should be automated. Wait lists should clean themselves by doing things like routinely pinging parents if they are still looking for care. (e.g. after a baby’s due date, we’ll automatically send an email to warmly check in on the family.)

We believe childcare centers are an underserved community that deserve tools that make their lives easier, and allow them to get back to doing what they love: spending time with the kids.  We have yet to meet anyone that gets into this industry because they love spreadsheets.

We hope you give us a try. We’re a small team and are fully committed to the success of your center. Have questions we didn’t answer here? Reach out any time via email or using the contact us page.

We’re here for you.

The Kiddo Family

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